About Kollel Eitz Pri
Eitz Pri is no standard afternoon kollel…it’s an exciting blend of deep learning and personal development, through mussar and avoda. Our approach to Torah growth is both innovative and totally authentic.
Learn halacha be’iyun – from ‘pasuk to posek’ so clearly that you can teach the trickiest of halachos to others.
And dive into mussar seforim to discover deep insights into yourself and your life’s mission.
Ever dreamt of teaching Gemara with real confidence or exploring mussar in a way that leaves you feeling empowered to make real changes, improving your life daily? That’s exactly what Kollel Eitz Pri is all about.
Our Rabbonim
Rabbi Ruvein Katz
Rabbi Peretz Segal
Rabbi Chaim Gross
Our program
Weekly Shiur from
R' Shmuel Weiner
Monthly Stipend
Gemora lehalocha clarity
Binyan Haodom
Public speaking training
Counselling & Life Coaching Training
Practical kiruv experience
Weekly womens shiur
What the Avreichim say
What the wives say
Haskomas from Rabbonim
R’ Shmuel Weiner shlita
R’ Asher Weiss shlita
Our alumni around the world

Yaacov and Chavi Frankel
Boston Massachusetts (Brandeis University)
Yonatan and Dina Banai
Pao Alto California (University of Cal Berkeley, Stanford)
Chaim and Rachelli Eisenberger
Phoenix Arizona (Arizona State University)
Binyamin and Rikki Bamberger
Gainesville Florida (University of Florida)
Menashe and Shayna Malka Uhr
Jacksonville Florida (Jacksonville Community Kollel)
Mendy and Gitty Klahr
Detroit Michigan (University of Michigan)
Eli and Teri Friedlander
Highland Park New Jersey (Rutgers, NYU)
Zach and Russie Horwitz
Manhattan New York (Columbia University)
Ahseph and Miriam Weiss
Tel Aviv (Tel Aviv University)
Chaim and Michal Lehrer
Birmingham UK (Birmingham University)
Yanky and Malkie Davis
London UK (Aish UK)
Jonny and Elisheva Newman
Cambridge UK (Cambridge University)
Menachem and Elisheva Flom
Tampa Florida (University of South Florida)
Elchanan and Rivka Gabay
Hale UK
Yitzchok and Chana Gelman
Cordoba Argentina
Yitzi and Ahuva Lebovics
Chicago Illinois
Natan and Odaya Levin
Sandton Johannesburg South Africa
Zac and Gila Meltzer
Johannesburg South Africa
Yaakov and Klara Spivak
Sao Palo Brazil
Our graduates go on to excel in a wide variety of fields